Ramsey Coote visit to RCH new clinic

The new Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne has been open for a short while now so it was great to be able to see the new clinic where children are being helped to get dry at night. It is a huge improvement on the small office that was in the old hospital so we congratulate the team there on having a very functional and impressive facility that helps hundreds of children each year. The following photos were taken last week and show how the Ramsey Coote Alarms and bed-pads are stored and cleaned. The first photo shows the impressive cupboard space for storage. The second photo shows a chair that is used as a practice toilet and the final photo, shows the facilities used to clean and air dry the bed-pads.

Ramsey Coote Instruments Bedwetting Information

It is the end of the financial year and we have been busy for the first half of the year with meetings in Brisbane, Sydney, Nambour and Las Vegas (National Kidney Foundation).  It seems that wherever we go there are practitioners really interested in getting information about helping children become dry at night.    You will notice a new name on our Links which is Dr Sue Bettison. Dr Sue has a new book on toilet training for children with autism or intellectual disabilities and this can be accessed at  www.learn2do.net .  Please check it out as it may help you develop your knowledge for helping these special children.

Bedwetting is an issue that is not often spoken about in public so it was terrific to see the article in the June 15th Melbourne Herald Sun that gives parents information that they can get help for their children.  See below if you wish to read the article.

Ramsey Coote Instruments will be attending the American Academy of Pediatrics and will be at stand 1413 so please come and see us if you are there.    If you are parent and not a practitioner then please contact us to find a practitioner that can provide help for your child to get dry at night.

Ramsey Coote Instruments Bedwetting Treatment

Welcome to Ramsey Coote Instruments

We would like to wish all our clients, suppliers and friends a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.  It has been a busy time for us with attendances at the ICS meeting in Toronto, the Continence Foundation Meeting in Alice Springs and a NSW Meeting in Sydney, all in the past few months.  We received some very good news with the FDA listing of the Ramsey Coote Enuresis Alarms which means we can now sell our products into the United States.  Also we have been working on updating and implementing our Quality Management system with some help from our consultant Dr Esther Apos.   It is because of all this work we will be attending the National Kidney Foundation (in USA) Spring Clinical Meeting in Las Vegas next year.  We have new brochures and posters to help our practitioners educate clients about our alarms so please contact us if you would like to have these for your practice.   Ramsey Coote Instruments will be closing over the Christmas period from the December 23rd 2010 to January 10th 2011.  We wish you well for the festive season.